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COP29 host Azerbaijan launches climate fund, introduces fossil fuel levy

Climate finance top of COP29 agenda

COP Presidencies Troika issues second letter to parties

Britain’s climate change plan challenged in landmark court case

Claver Gatete calls for reform of the global financial system to address Africa’s financing challenges

G20 Social meets the Finance Track: sustainable financing and MDB reform are among the demands put forward

Morocco plans study for adopting a carbon tax

The Gambia validates Draft Carbon Trading Bill

African Leaders Join African Development Bank’s Call for Action to Reform the Global Financial Architecture at its 2024 Annual Meetings

Developed countries materially surpassed their USD 100 billion climate finance commitment in 2022 – OECD

EU Council gives final approval for exit from Energy Charter Treaty

BRICS Ministers align themselves with G77 position on Climate and reject linking of security with climate issues.

New AGN Chair calls for a pan-African front to achieve climate goals at COP29

South Africa energy minister vows change with ‘aggressive’ renewables rollout

Brussels, New Delhi agree to work together on CBAM

US hints at potential CBAM

US hints at potential CBAM

WTO chair admits that it needs to transform how it engages with trade and climate

NCOP approves Climate Change Bill

The world’s most advanced economies just agreed to end coal use by 2035 – with a catch

Energy transition at centre of discussions in environment committee and thematic session

Hopes fade for production curbs in new global pact on plastic pollution

Taxing big fossil fuel firms ‘could raise $900bn in climate finance by 2030’

Annual Meetings 2024: Reforming the global financial architecture to free up financing for Kenya and in Africa overall