Climate news from Africa for Africa

We aim to provide informative and inspiring climate reporting that strengthens awareness, engagement, dialogue and interest in regional and global current affairs and its relevance to African countries.

Our Africa-centric news reporting highlights key global and regional developments that have implications for African climate priorities and positions. We aim to make negotiations, proceedings, and decisions under the international climate legal regime and other global platforms, accessible and relevant to a wider African audience and to broaden regional awareness and dialogue on important climate developments. In doing so we document current affairs, policy and legal developments, negotiation positions, and research, drawing linkages between these developments and the continent’s priorities and concerns. Our Africa-based reporters are deeply engaged with regional climate affairs, and their work is supported by insights from a wide network of climate experts. Updates are released on a monthly basis and available in newsletter form and on our website.

Our Team

Olivia Rumble

Olivia Rumble is a climate change legal and policy expert, and a director of Climate Legal. Her work primarily resides in the nexus between international climate negotiations and national responses that both inform and give effect to these developments. She has a particular focus in the interpretation and application of the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, loss and damage, adaptation, climate finance and national climate change legislative developments. She is based in South Africa and works across the continent, providing advice and support to African governments, thinktanks, civil society and the private sector on a wide range of climate change policy and legal issues.

Andrew Gilder

Andrew Gilder is a director of Climate Legal with more than twenty years’ experience specialising in climate change (mitigation and adaptation), climate finance and development, carbon markets, carbon tax, environmental and energy law, policy and governance. Andrew has a particular interest and expertise in carbon markets and carbon pricing and has worked across the continent on the development of national and regional pricing approaches and the evolution of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. He also deeply steeped in the design and drafting of national climate change laws and has worked on draft Climate Change Bills in in Africa and abroad.