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Tanzania Takes Over AGN Chair Mantle

Financing for Development Summit presents Renewed Opportunity for Developing Countries

IPCC’s Next Assessment Report Stuck

Updated Zambian NDC has No Increased Mitigation Ambition

Nigeria Seeks to Host COP32

10% of Global Climate Finance At Risk under Trump

COP President Focuses on Finance and Forests

Europe’s Defense Budget Rips Through Its Climate-Crisis Buffer

Lagos Unveils Carbon Exchange, Leads $80m Clean Cookstove Drive

South Africa Sets a Global Economic Agenda with B20 and G20 Initiatives

Russia Offers African Countries Regime Survival Package in Exchange for Natural Resources

The IMF recommends a ‘modest’ carbon price for the Gambia

Finance agreement crucial for Biological Diversity COP

BP reverses investments in renewable energy

South African Mining Minister Threatens to Cut Minerals to the US

Draft Kenyan Carbon Market Regulations regulate ITMOs

Kenya enters into Debt for Climate Swap worth €60 million

African Leaders and AFDB aim to bring Electricity to 300 million Africans by 2030

AFDB First to Register Adaptation Benefit Mechanism for Global Cooperation under Article 6.8

G20 Working Meeting on Development focuses on Social Protection, Finance for Development and Illicit Financial Flows

Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso exit ECOWAS

Ghana explores Pension Scheme funded by Carbon Credits

EU proposed Omnibus Regulation that reforms and delays Sustainability Laws criticised for Political Opportunism

Gabon seeking to levy aviation and maritime emissions