Gold Standard to Launch Framework for Climate Adaptation Projects

Carbon Credit certification scheme, the Gold Standard has announced that it intends to develop a new framework to help design and develop climate adaptation projects, in an aim to increase funding for an area that has historically struggled to attract as much funding as mitigation. The framework will aid the design and implementation of adaptation projects, that reduce the risks and losses associated with climate-related events through the application of Adaptation Requirements. Gold Standard CEO Margaret Kim stated that it is “designed to carefully dovetail adaptation planning within a project design standard (Gold Standard for the Global Goals), facilitating the preparedness of projects to recruit finance and generate adaptive outcomes ready for investment. Overall, the requirements aim to incentivise, identify and value projects or portfolios which support communities to adapt for future climate risks and mobilise investments for such projects.”  The Gold Standard Adaptation Requirements are open to public comment until 25/11/2022. 

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