Forum on China Africa Cooperation to look at markets for Green Chinese Products in Africa

China is looking to expand its green technology markets into Africa at the upcoming Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. Held every three years, the 2024 Forum’s theme is ‘Joining hands to promote modernization’, with Africa’s green development on the meeting’s agenda. Chinese investment in green technology in Africa would be mutually beneficial: countries facing an energy crisis would receive much-needed assistance to transition to renewable energy, and Chinese green technology products and manufacturers would get access to the continent’s markets. This is especially important as the USA and Europe have implemented tariffs on Chinese products electric vehicles, batteries, solar panels and critical minerals. Speaking to VoA, Cliff Mboya, a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Africa-China Studies at the University of Johannesburg, sees another opportunity for African countries. “As China looks for the African market for some of its products that are facing high tariffs and limitations in the West…it presents an opportunity to negotiate for more access of African products into the Chinese market,” says Mboya. The Forum will also focus on agricultural modernisation and trade, information technology and connectivity, and education and training.

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