Climate Change is Fuelling Extremism in West African Youth

The loss of agricultural land, reduced water resources, and extreme weather events, among other factors, are creating fertile conditions for youth radicalisation in west Africa. Terrorist groups are exploiting these risk multipliers, often recruiting in the most vulnerable, impoverished, and marginalised areas. Following recurring military coups, ECOWAS is also unstable, lacking the authority, legitimacy and ability to support national climate responses. We spoke with Yero Sarr, a Senegalese climate activist to learn more.

Zimbabwe Seeks to Calm Carbon Market Waters

Zimbabwe is at pains to repair the investor and carbon market damage wrought by last year’s statements, through the introduction of an Article 6 Strategy and Climate Change Management Bill.

African Countries Should Stop Developing Pointless Climate Technology Plans

Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs) are the primary instruments of the technology transfer process under the Paris Agreement. But a total of 21 funded projects over 15 years is reason enough to abandon these archaic assessments. The focus should instead be on the development and dissemination of technologies we already know are in high demand. We should also be having a broader conversation about the wider trade, regulatory and economic environment that undermines technology transfer.

People’s Climate vote calls for greater action on Climate Change

With 19 African countries due to hold general or presidential elections this year, the People’s Vote on Climate Change highlights key priorities that citizens are looking for their governments to address. There is broad support for a transition away from fossil fuels in African countries, and most wanted greater action to avoid extreme weather events.

Making the African Group of Negotiators an agenda setter

The African Group of Negotiators (AGN) can better position itself among agenda setters by investing its technical resources and diplomatic capital in influencing the climate regime’s institutional features. It should be challenging the system that penalises geographic and economic vulnerability, and should play a leading role in the intersection of human rights and climate change responses. By strengthening ties with the emerging economic powers of the Global South it can advance its agency in the negotiations.

Just Energy Transition for Zimbabwe’s Extractive Sector

Just Energy Transitions are not only for high emitting countries, they are also for countries with material extractives sectors, such as Zimbabwe. We interviewed Green Governance Africa’s Executive Director Nyasha Frank Mpahlo about the organisation’s work in Zimbabwe’s energy transition and their recent book on the topic.

Scaling Climate Change Literacy in Africa

The African public has a low understanding of what climate change is and its cause, with some of the most climate change literate groups currently located in the fossil fuel industry. As part of the African Union’s Education theme for 2024, we need to mainstream climate change literacy into targeted climate- vulnerable sectors and across government policy and decision makers.

All Eyes are on the AU’s Climate Policy ahead of G20 Accession

At its 37th summit, the African Union’s climate committee, CAHOSCC, endorsed the establishment of a body to implement the Nairobi Declaration, adding to the already large swathe of climate committees and institutions. However, its guidance on the region’s key climate political topics was thin. As the AU joins the G20, it will need to formulate far more detailed and comprehensive positions on climate if it is to be taken seriously.

Ghana Imposes Vehicle Carbon Taxes: Are They the Answer?

Ghana’s introduction of a carbon levy on vehicles, follows a push by more than seven African countries who have done the same. Are product related taxes such as these, a better path for African countries looking to mature their carbon pricing systems, in the context of global pressure to do so?

Nigeria Expands its Climate Repertoire by Banning Certain Plastics

In January, the Nigerian state of Lagos introduced a ban on Styrofoam, sparking protests from industry and food vendors, but the Government has pushed back, stating it was long overdue. Nigeria is one of several African states pursuing measures to control the climate and environmental impacts of plastic, a role African countries could better claim in their climate policies.