What happened with the Global Goal on Adaptation at COP28?

Taken together, the outcome on the global goal on adaptation misses an opportunity of facilitating climate resilient development in developing countries. In this overview, CSIR  holistic climate change impact area manager and South African Presidential Climate Commission member, Dr Brian Mantlana, unpacks the outcomes of COP28 for the goal, arguing its laughable timelines and the lack of financial commitments makes it a farce.

Looking towards the IMF and World Bank meetings in Marrakech

Looking towards the IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings on 9 October in Marrakech, expectations are that climate related reforms should go beyond much needed capital increases and the re-channeling of SDRs. We discuss a recent report by the African Climate Foundation of what these reforms should entail.

Making the Global Financial System Work for Africa

Building a financing ecosystem that works for Africa requires a systemic transformation of existing approaches to debt, lending practices, the global development finance system, tax and trade. These measures should address the continent’s debt overhang, create a fairer financial ecosystem, and unlock financial flows while preserving fiscal sovereignty.

Urgent Call for Adaptation Investment Plans to Catalyse Adaptation Finance

Adaptation investment planning spur investments in prioritised projects and support the the implementation of adaptation and resilience measures in Africa. In this analysis, Sarah Wewege and Chipo Rusere discuss the advantages of this approach and how it can present a compelling case for investment.